so last night after we watered our yard and about 2 minutes before we put Emily to sleep.
Matilda had a little run in with our resident skunk and it was FIERCE! luckily she did't get injured
but she got a FULL squirt right in her little face!
i mean her eyes nose mouth and ears all got a direct hit. poor little thing.
this is the third time it's happened, but i think it's the worst one.
we have a family living up under our garage deck.
you see that little red house thing at the top of the picture. yep. that's where they live.
she darted straight up those stairs when she heard a rustle and BLASTO!
our house smells ATROCIOUS! and of course we have record high temps forecasted today and no AC
so we will all be cooped up inside with the a skunk for a dog. ugh!
anyways...late last night i heard all sorts of screeching alongside the house so we got the flashlight out
and saw a mama skunk and about half a dozen of the cutest little baby skunks
relocating to the deck under out house. (great)
she had them in our neighbor yard in a little pile on the stairs and carried them down
one at a time to their new den. it was really awesome to watch. all the little babies would
squeel and squeak until mama came up for the next round before she had them all tucked in.
NOW we have to call someone to come and get them out. i need to do some research
for a no kill option... anyone had experience with this sort of thing?