hi you guys...i'm busier than ever chasing a little girl around and trying to keep my sanity!!
my mind is a whirlwind of ideas and i've been itching to make some new things.
if only i could find time to sneak out to the tiny house to play.
anyways, i recently happened upon this gorgeous assortment
of teeny tiny cacti and succulents from joojoo...modeled after the real thing of course.
how perfect is this little windowsill garden?!
it reminds me to find joy in the little things. to step back and take a look at the big picture
rather than stressing about all the daily stuff. you know what i mean?
the days are long but the weeks (and months) fly by. it's weird.
motherhood has been a crazy transition and i'm still getting used to it
i think i will probably always be getting used it since it's constantly changing
i'm just looking forward to having a little bit more time for myself
or at least until Emily is old enough to sit alongside me
and make some of her own pretty little things.
until then, i will keep filling my sketchbook
and crossing my fingers for long naps :)